Increased Sensitivity to Touch or Cold Symptoms

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Increased Sensitivity to Touch or Cold?

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD) is a chronic condition that can increase ones sensitivity to touch or even temperature. Increased sensitivity is one of the most common signs of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. An abnormal experience in pain including sensitivity to touch or temperature change might indicate damage to a nerve in a limb or extremity. It is not uncommon for a CRPS/RSD patient to experience hot or cold pains. Cold pains might be described as putting a hand into an ice bath for a prolonged period of time, although it is cold it actually burns. Nerves deliver information to and from your brain about touch; for some, nerves become oversensitive, or the brain’s response to a stimulus can be exaggerated.

Old Women having problems of sensitivity to touch or cold in her foot.

How We Can Help!

Scrambler Pain TherapyCRPS Treatment Center is changing how patients with CRPS/RSD deal with their pain related symptoms. Our treatments do not include narcotics or painful evasive procedures. By identifying the areas of pain we strategically place the electrodes around areas of pain. The patient should feel soothing/distracting vibrations which indicate effective placement of the electrodes. The more accurate the pad placement, the more effective the treatment. Unlike other electrical technologies our Scrambler Technology sends no pain signals from the Peripheral Nervous system to the Central Nervous System changing the way pain is perceived by the body.

If you are tired of the chronic pain syndrome associated with CRPS/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, schedule an appointment with CRPS Treatment Center at (480) 857-2098 today.

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