Cause & Complication of CRPS/RSD

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Cause of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Do you know Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD) affects more than 200,000 people in the US? The true cause of CRPS still remains somewhat unknown however the trigger for the condition can usually be traced back an event. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome develops as Type I or Type II, which can show similar symptoms but have slightly different causes. CRPS Type I is typically caused by a trauma, sprain, fracture, illness, or injury that didn’t directly damage nerves. Whereas CRPS Type 2 has similar symptoms as Type 1 but emerges after nerve damage has occurred.

Old women having Continuous Burning, Stabbing or Throbbing Pain

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is an uncommon condition that is easily misdiagnosed. Symptoms may be similar to other conditions which may complicate a medical provider’s ability to diagnose properly. Identifying any issue is the first step in the healing process. If the disease remains undiagnosed or misdiagnosed the recovery process may be somewhat compromised. Incorrect or ineffective treatment methods may be applied to a CRPS/RSD patient leading to a more rapid progression of this potentially devastating condition. It is vital to get the correct diagnosis.

Complications in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Did you know around 90% of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome patients are CRPS/RSD Type I While only 10% are Type II? Complications associated with CRPS will usually begin after an injury and progress through 4 stages. These four stages of CRPS/RSD will vary in duration depending on the nature of injury and severity. The skin, bones, and muscles may begin to deteriorate or atrophy which may compromise a CRPS patient leading to mobility issues of the affected areas.

Men with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Stages of CRPS/RSD

Stage 1 - Is known as the acute phase, also known as the dysfunction stage, lasting 0-3 months. The pain is stabbing and can limit your functional abilities. In stage I, the person can have excessive sweating, abnormal hair or nail growth, and changes in skin color.

Stage 2 - It may appear after the 2nd month or between the 2nd and 4th months. A loss in elasticity and hypersensitivity develops. The symptoms are not confined to this, but joints and limbs may become stiffer. The burning pain may spread to other areas.

Stage III - It may occur after six months but more often after one year. The skin around the affected area is paler, stretched, shiny, cool to the touch, or dry. Cracks or ulcers in the skin can become more visible. The temperature will be much cooler than it was during the other stages. When the patient reaches this stage, they have been to experience other problems, including tremors, spasms, uncontrollable twitching in the involved areas.

Stage IV - Or the Advanced Stage, where the damage to the affected area may become irreparable. Constant burning pain is noticeable, and cellulite and gangrene can occur due to complications to the internal organ, which can further result in specialists recommending amputation to stop the spreading to other parts of the body. When the person reaches Stage IV, they will likely experience various complications, even affecting immunity levels.

Some of these complications are:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Rapid pulse and heart palpitation
  • Problems with cognitive thinking; may even lead to depression
  • Disturbance in immune system
  • Dry eyes
  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Muscle weakness, bone loss, and other musculoskeletal problems
  • Bruising syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal complications, such as irritable bowels
  • Headaches
  • Hearing problems
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Vulvodynia

CRPS/RSD can have devastating repercussions as it can spread to multiple regions of the body and compromise a survivor’s overall health.

If you or someone you love is suffering from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), It’s time to seek the proper medical attention for your condition! CRPS Treatment Center uses a variety of techniques and therapies to provide maximum relief for each CRPS/RSD patient. Our FDA approved therapies have no known side effects and have been shown to relieve the debilitating symptoms associated with CRPS/RSD.

Take advantage of our gentle non-invasive approach to pain relief with a FREE phone consultation or $99 trial treatment today by scheduling online or by phone at (480) 857-2098.

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